A heart attack is a medical emergency that usually occurs when blood flow is restricted to the heart. Without a proper supply of blood, oxygen loss is created and hence the heart muscle stops functioning. It may cause a myriad of symptoms, but in some cases might also be asymptomatic. Not all the symptoms of the disease are evident in the form of precordial chest pain, but also may radiate to other parts of the body such as the left arm. So in order to minimize the possibility of any such occurrence, or to increase awareness to ensure medication on time, it is important to keep a note of all the symptoms in line with a heart attack.

  1. You may feel shortness of breath, with or without chest discomfort
  2. Discomfort in the upper body area including the arms, neck, jaw, stomach, etc
  3. Conditions like nausea and vomiting might also prevail, alongside pain in the chest
  4. Cold sweat can also be a felt, especially in palms and forehead- this usually occurs at rest
  5. Discomforts in the chest area may also be felt- uncomfortable pressure, fullness, pain, or squeezing maybe
  6. Fatigue
  7. Lightheadedness or dizziness

Apart from these, there are several other warnings of a heart patient. Saying that, these are the most evident ones. Unusual but true- Symptoms of a heart attack may vary between men & women. While women are more likely to feel shortness of breath, nausea, or back pain, men are more likely to feel chest pain or discomfort.

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